
#Bbloggersxmas Bloggers Event 2012

Yesterday, I was lucky enough to attend the #bbloggers bloggers Christmas Party event at the grand venue of the Reebok Sports Bar in Canary Wharf hosted by Lola and Victoria. The event was truly wonderful and met so many bloggers!
At the event there were pop cakes and pop-chip nibbles mmm.
Here are some lovely bloggers I met.

me and Abi
Zahra and me

me and Yolanda
There were beauty quizzes to complete, the opportunity to have your hair styled, hand massaged which I did and LOVED and manicures.
Massage from Aromatherapy Associates

The brands such as Slendertone, Aromatherapy Associates, Bad Apple, Diva, Twisted Sista and Bronze Ambition were there and I learnt so much about them from the talks they did. The goody bags that we received were AMAZING and I just wanted to try everything out in one go. Fantastic sponsors I would say!  Includes: Sleek Sparkle 2 palette,  Body Shop Lip gloss, Macadamia natural oil, Di Palomo hand & nail cream, Witch skin cleansing primer, Inika eye liner & eye shadow and so so so much more. 
Can’t wait to try these out!

After travelling 414 miles there and back in a day, it was so worth it. Thanks to my brother for keeping me company and taking some pictures and again thanks to the event hosts. I look forward to the other events you plan to hold in the future 🙂

Here are some extra shots I took of London!