
#19 Capture December 2012

                                                                  19. Organised

This is the photo-a-day challenge for December. If you want to know more about it and possibly take part, click here.

I’d like to think I am quite organised although my room would choose to differ :S oopsy!

This is my Filofax which isn’t cheap to refill, but oh so worth it. Recently I have been jotting down inspiration of things to capture for #CaptureDecember and my progress with buying Christmas Presents. And you’d be pleased to know I am all sorted for gifts and ready for the big day 🙂

So I’m running out of space for 2012 and will be needing a refill. Don’t worry, I put it in my X-mas list and me and Santa are tight, so I know i’ll get it 😉 teehee

Do you have a daily planner?
