Sports Bra: Primark
Gloves: Nike
Trainers: Haraka Hi-Tec*
Fitness gear round one! A sporty outfit of the day is quite a change from my usual outfit of the day posts but I think you will like it. I love reading these kind of posts as they give me so much inspiration when kitting out for a workout. Check the hashtag #fitspo on Instagram… so good!
With a vengeance, I have gotten back into fitness with nothing getting in the way. This will definitely commence more hard core now that Uni deadlines have been met. Yay!
I have a pink/black outfit combination which I will show you later and a black/white combo which I will show you today.
Firstly my sports bra is from Primark and my best one yet. Go Primark! Styling out my top half with an AKA vest top. They showcased some of their items last week at the Manchester Fashion Week. Although this is from the menswear section, I think sports luxe is perfect for fighting off some calories in the gym :p
My gym pants are from TK maxx who actually have a wide variety of sports brands. I found that this Elle Sports fit me just perfectly. The gloves are from Nike and very useful for lifting weights and looking the part at ‘body combat classes’. Those classes are so much fun, even if I do make up some of my own moves at times :p
These superb ‘Haraka Running Trainers’ were sent to me from Hi-Tec which I LOVE. Again they are from the mens section as I prefered those colours over the womens section. I half expected the trainers to be a little ‘boaty’ but could not be even more wrong. They fit perfectly and are very light! This is exactly what you need for running a marathon 😀 My honest opinion- I really do love the look and feel of these beauties on my feet. If you want to see an initial unboxing video of these exact same trainers, click this link- Unboxing.
If you want to keep track of my personal fitness journey pictures and food, then you can do so over on my Instagram: @mintyessence. Be warned, that sweet treats might be included… why not 🙂
I hope you have big plans for this super long weekend!