As you already know, I took part in a #MSMSecretsanta challenge which I thoroughly enjoyed but so happened to have joined two other Secret Santa’s also. It’s my first year doing all this and admittedly, I got carried away, but I am so happy I did.
This Secret Santa was organised by Aimee who did a grand job.
This was a swap where you got someone something worth £10 but received a gift from someone completely different. I sent mine off early, and to be honest, I started thinking that I wouldn’t get anything myself as I have heard these things go wrong sometimes. *violins are playing*. But then, one day…. A parcel came full of golden wrapped presents. I was not forgotten and was so excited to open the gifts. I put them under the tree and impatiently watched them everyday in the lead up to Christmas day. The day is finally here and I can rip at the wrapping to my hearts content! eeek!!
We had to state 3 things we like for the other person to have some idea of what to buy, mine were a bit random but hey hoo! -> pretty hair accessories, eye makeup/lashes and chocolate, this is what I got from the lovely… Islay!
These are the things I got:
I am always buying these vest tops to layer up and cover up low cut tops. Weird I don’t have navy blue so thanks very much.
Thank you so much Islay for the gifts, all under £10 too! My favourite has to be the nail art pens 🙂
I hope the person I got, loves their presents!
My collective presents post will be up soon !! 🙂