Don’t wait for luck, dedicate yourself…

Hi Hi! This is what I wore today. Just a casual piece I put together featuring a vintage throw over from my mum. She was giving it to charity and I was like “uh-uh-uh I’ll take that thank you” lol. …

Don’t neglect me…

Hi hi! Today’s post is about the ever so neglected face. You probably aren’t as bad as me when it comes down to keeping up a great skin care regime, but I’ve decided to make a change! When I say …

A talk with nature…

Hey!! Yesterday I went for a lovely nature walk and it was beautiful. The weather was good, the scenery was great and the company was memorable (Family time!). I took some pictures of what I saw on my gander and …

Mid Week Break Away…

This week, I spent it in the south of England in Dorset. So beautiful. The weather was great for the majority of the week but just couldn’t hold up without rain for the weekend, but thats ok. I went with …

Black ‘n’ White Flatforms…

If you know me, you would know I prefer comfort over style. But why not merge the two. Flatforms are amazing especially as there are all types for different events occasions etc. In this post I will share how to …

Bare Minerals Beauty…

    I have never tried any products from ‘Bare Minerals’ before so was excited to try this eye shadow. Conveniently I got this in one of my Glossybox’s. Although I was given half the size at 1g instead of 2g …

Pleasing Pretty Prada…

Ok so firstly, I just wanted my title to rhyme or have a ring to it. Putting that aside, this post is about the 1950’s Baroque styled sunglasses. I know its coming to the end of Summer and I am …

Glossybox- August 2012

    1-      Alessandro Pro White Nail Polish (Germany) – I think this is a great idea behind the purpose of this nail polish. It is to brighten yellow stained nails as a result of wearing too much nail polish or …

Miss Natural…

  This post is going to be about how I achieve my everyday look. It is quite natural and this is the make-up I am currently using. I am still trying to seek out which products work best for me …

My Mac Blushes…

I have been searching for the ‘right’ blush for my skin tone for a while now. But what exactly do you class as the ‘right one’? Well for starters, if i am intending on trying different ones, I should get …