I was kindly sent six of the new festive Yankee tarts in the post recently which came as a total surprise. As soon as I opened the parcel Christmas 2014 started 🙂 The scents that came with tea lights and …

Beauty ◊ Fashion ◊ Travel ◊ Lifestyle
I was kindly sent six of the new festive Yankee tarts in the post recently which came as a total surprise. As soon as I opened the parcel Christmas 2014 started 🙂 The scents that came with tea lights and …
Coat: Dorothy Perkins Top: Wearall.com Jeans: Topshop Shoes: Primark Bag: Primark I went to the West End the other week and saw Les Miserables for my sister’s belated birthday pressie… it was amazing. I was singing …
Last week I was invited to the lavish ‘Links of London’ event which showcased their latest ‘Narrative‘ Collection pieces. It was my first time browsing this actual shop, so it was great to see all the different collections and learnt …
Flossy: Arnedo Black– £19.95* These classic black Flossy shoes will appear in an outfit of the day post soon, but for now I thought they should debut on their own. They are just that good!! Very simple, basic colour …
Pure So Light is a brand that was initially created to target extremely sensitive skin types. To solve the many problems of skin irritation it was decided that 100% organic products should be made. Agnes Donazy who is the …
Blazer:Zara Top: Dorothy Perkins Shoes: Converses Jeans:New Look* Bag: Vintage I took a lovely stroll along the coast in Portsmouth the other day and the setting was so beautiful. I took this opportunity to show you my new …
Dress: FD Avenue Skirt: Topshop Shoes: Jasper Conran* Bag: Zara An afternoon enjoying a lovely meal and watching the sunset at the ocean front esums up this scene pretty well. The weather is much …
For this post I collected all of my seasonal favourite eyeshadows. Some are in palettes and some are individual but all have a theme of warm autumnal colours. My favourite has to be plum/burgundy/cranberry colour. I had to …
This week I was kindly invited to the press re-launch of the Re:So store in the Marlands Shopping Centre Southampton. To give you a little background, Re:So is an enterprise space open to the public showcasing the work of current …
1-Candles I am a sucker when it comes to burning candles. I stay faithful to my yankee candles but recently discovered how beautifully scented the primark candles are and for £1 each too! I was sent two multi-wick candles in …